Confused Investors Drive VCs Crazy

Fund Raising down 24%, Investment up 29% year to year Q3 2010 vs Q3 2011 – what?!

It’s enough to drive anybody crazy when you see Dow Jones report the ups and downs in VC fund-raisings & financings. Is it perhaps the lag effect that is the most revealing metric this time around? VCs are either going to run out of money to invest, or they see something fund raisers don’t. You be the judge. Read the Oct 12 Post below and then come back to this one and let me know your thoughts.

Can VC money turn around in 2012?

LA TIMES Article by Tiffany Hsu, Oct 11, 2011

Third-quarter venture capital fundraising plummets

Venture capitalists raised $1.7 billion in the third quarter, less than half the $3.5 billion collected in the same period last year and the lowest amount since the third quarter of 2003 as investors retreated from riskier projects because of a lagging economic recovery, a European debt crisis and downgraded U.S. debt.


It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad M&A World -Rick Andrade

Everything seems to be changing fast. 2012 is expected to bring more questions than answers in middle market mergers and acquisitions. For this reason I have started this blog to help provide answers – from my experience and from experts around the world.

That’s our mission statement: share key success factors in mergers and acquisitions with you, the business owner who wants to know where they stand. Fair enough?